Fall getaway to Octopus Island Marine Park

Our last cruise on Mayaluga was absolutely idyllic. Tony single-handed in a lesurely fashion taking almost a full week to get from Victoria to Comox. The highlight for him on the transit was a couple of wonderful days in Tribune Bay on Hornby Island.

Quiet morning in Tribune Bay

Karin took a week off from the office and drove up to Comox to join Mayaluga on Friday evening. We provisioned at a great local store and set sail for Gorge Harbour on Cortez Island. The following day we hiked to Whaletown on the west side of the island. Whew! Some steep climbs!

The next day we attempted to transit Surge Narrows at “slack” but got spit out like a piece of driftwood. Careful review of the tide tables revealed that we had failed to account for Daylight Savings. Our second attempt an hour later was successful! We poked our nose into Octopus Island Marine Park and wandered around looking for an ideal anchorage with the potential of late afternoon sun. We did! And we were virtually the only boat there!

A very relaxing several days allowed time for reading and sleeping …..

…. and rowing to shore and hiking.

We made the daunting climb up to Newton Lake almost 1,000 feet above sea-level which involved some almost vertical faces. Phew! It was worth it though, because when we got there, we could swim in the relatively warm fresh water …. and we were totally alone! Swimsuits not required!

At the end of our week away we sailed back to Comox via Manson’s Landing where we hiked into the village and enjoyed a good luncheon. We bought some fresh Sockeye Salmon from a fisherman and loaded the freezer. The next day we just managed to beat a closing weather window and tied up securely in Comox before the wind started howling. Karin drove back to Victoria to start work the next day and Tony waited out the cruddy weather in Comox.

It took another week to singlehand Mayaluga back to Victoria over-nighting once again in Tribune Bay anchored close to Brent and Barbara, fellow Bluewater Cruising Association members and good friends. A good social time was had by all!!

An overnight at Newcastle Marine Park in Nanaimo, and an overnight in Saanichton Bay saw Mayaluga back safely in home port at Hidden Harbour,

This was our last sourjourn on our trusty little ship which was soon to be sold!

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