Mayaluga’s new owners!

Karin and I are so happy that Hans and Lydia have acquired Mayaluga, such a great sea-going sailboat, for their future offshore adventure. We are however so very sad that Mayaluga has been sold and is no longer our pride and joy.

Karin and I want to extend a hearty “thank you” to Calibre Yacht Sales (Rob Ksyniuk) for conducting the sale of Mayaluga in such an efficient and professional manner. Having bought and sold many boats in past years, this was such a refreshing exercise.

We are delighted that Mayaluga has gone to such a good home! We had the good fortune to spend some time on the water with Hans and Lydia, the new owners and discovered their values and attributes are similar to ours.
Hans and Lydia will take good care of you, Mayaluga!

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