We have internet!! That means we can post some pictures!
Amazing visibility! Mayaluga at anchor 2nd from left in Huahine.
Friends, Richard Krieger from Victoria BC,and Cliff Brown from London ON, fly to Tahiti to join us on board Mayaluga for 10 unforgettable days in the Tahiti Leeward Islands.
Our slip in Papeete with underwater lighting at night.Downtown Papeete
A little bit of decadence is OK?
Papeete market where local producers bring their wares.
Looking scrumptious!
Shore excursion at Ta’ha near the famous Coral Gardens snorkelling site
Chalets renting for $thousands a night.Typical Motu on Ta’ha Atoll
Richard and Karin in deep discussion about nothing in particularLeisure activities on Mayaluga
Swimming in Ta’ha atoll, Bora Bora in background.
Mayaluga in Fakarava (Tuomotus) atollCoral heads 20 feet below Mayaluga
Polynesian “Liza” in front of her beach homeEnjoying Liza’s hospitality on Fakarava atoll
Yep …. just like the post-cards, but better!!
Tony and Richard off to circumnavigate the motu by KyakTony in paradise, living the dream!Richard in a happy mood! Will I find a bride??
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