Day 11 – romping along to Hawaii
This is what ocean sailing is all about ……. an amazing day with incredible sailing! During the early hours of Saturday morning the seas flattened out, relatively speaking. When the sea is down to 10 foot we now are conditioned to think of it as “flat”. We have enjoyed sunny skies all day, a lovely 15 knot wind ENE directly on our beam, and Mayaluga is running with a bone in her teeth.
We have done over 75 miles in the last 12 hours, so I feel that we may break this 150 nautical mile barrier today. We have just finished supper in the cockpit with a light warm breeze on us. The wind is now down to 12 knots, but we are still creaming along at almost 7 knots. We have this baby dialled in for speed, all white sails set and perfectly trimmed with rail cars and travellers just in the right spot. The flatter seas also help maintain good speed because we are no longer pounding into big waves.
The inside of our little cacoon home is drying out. Karin said to me over lunch, “I could really enjoy sailing like this!”
We have 1,200 miles still to go for Honolulu, we are way past the half way mark on this passage. 10 days should do it unless all the wind dies out. So far we have not experienced the doldrums usually associated with the equatorial region and have had good strong steady winds. No boats or ships sighted for the last 9 days, and very few birds. Closest land is Christmas Island which is about 600 miles to our west.
Everyone is happy and smiling on board Mayaluga!
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Summer has been busy for me so I’m just catching up on your posts. It’s great to hear about how you are meeting those challenging days especially with only the two of you to cover watches so sleep deprivation can develop diminished capacity and energy. I’m hoping you are snugged into your berths in Hawaii by now catching up on some well deserved sleep.
Happy Sails – Al
Thanks Al. Appreciate you following us. Trust all is well your end. We are starting to unwind here in Honolulu in preparation for a potential departure early next week. The north pacific high is all over the place, so not sure yet what routing we will follow. Have retained Bob McDavit who helped us so much on the last leg from Tahiti which was wicked. A 2,300 close hauled rough ride. Living the dream eh?
Warm regards, Tony and Karin aboard Mayaluga at the Hawaii Yacht Club
Tony and Karin,
congratulations on reaching Hawaii, sad to here the frustrating port entry. Just got back from a few days sailing with family to Quadra and Cortez. Heading out around Van-isle on September 17 (ish) . I’ll be in Victoria about 2 weeks later. Do you know where you are going to dock/stay in Victoria yet?
KJ on ‘Edge of Moonlight’