Mark’s First Blog Post
To anyone reading this blog, you may have read that I have joined Tony and Karin as a crewmember on Mayaluga from Puerto Vallarta to Tahiti. This is my first bluewater sailing adventure with hopefully many more to come. To think back just over a week ago to when we set sail, the knowledge I have learned from Tony and Karin has been immeasurable. By the time I get home, I figure I will be able to captain any size vessel with ease 😉 While this hasn’t exactly been a relaxing vacation sipping mai-tai’s by the pool, I’ve had a blast so far. Some things I won’t soon miss would be things like showering, cooking, eating, or pretty much any other task while violently being thrown from side to side every few minutes. It definitely takes some getting used to and requires a fair amount of skill to perform the simplest of tasks.
Anticipation is growing daily at the thought of the Marqueses Islands and surrounding atolls. Everyone on board is getting very excited while thinking of what we will find when we get there. One thing for certain, it is guaranteed to be amazing. We expect around two more weeks before our first landfall, and while the sailing has been awesome, solid ground will also rock (This pun’s for you, Tony)!
Mark, aboard SV Mayaluga
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