Night Watch
Its 3 am, the boys are sleeping, we are almost 1,000 nm from the shores of North America and I am on the 2-6 am watch. Its dark, really dark. The sky is blanketed with clouds, hiding the stars and the moon. The moon has evaded us since we left Mexico 8 days ago. Ill be happy when she joins us again. A spotlight in the sky, lighting the way as Mayaluga barrels along, not a care in the world, into what otherwise is a dark night. From the cockpit, my eyes catch site of only a few things. The long straight line of the horizon many miles in the distance, all around me. The blue hue of one light left on inside Mayaluga to light my way below. The screen of the Raymarine confirming that we are on course with waypoints holding place for other Puddle Jump boats within a few hundred miles. Its comforting to know they are there, just in case. We haven`t physically seen another boat for days now. White foam appears on the black sea periodically as Mayaluga slides down the waves being pushed along on a broad reach. The odd white cap appears. The sound of the ocean sliding along the hull as Mayaluga pushes it out of the way enroute to the Marqueses. Our course is tight as we try and maintain a southerly or, more preferably, a south westerly course. The angle of the wind choses not to cooperate readily. The mainsail protests as Mayaluga slides down another swell, slatting as gravity pulls the boom out of position, resulting in an vicious slam. Then quiet, until the next time which hopefully isn`t too soon. Two hours and forty five minutes until my reprieve. It can`t come too soon. Its dark, really dark.
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