End of Week 1 – PV to Marqueses
Mayaluga and her crew has completed over 800 nm of our journey from Mexico to the Marqueses Islands so far, over 25% of the trip! Today we hit the trade winds at 15N, 117 44W. The passage has been pretty smooth sailing so far except for a few occasions of big swells, high winds, bumpy seas and a sleepless night! Given that we are out in the open Pacific Ocean, I suppose this is doing pretty well! The 3 of us – Tony, Mark and myself – have formed an effective, cooperative working team and have enjoyed conversations, laughter and some very good food together. Mark cooked us Asian style beef with ginger, sesame oil and peanuts a couple of evenings ago …. a real treat! Tony and I are so pleased that Mark decided to join us – he has become an invaluable member of the Mayaluga crew and we are enjoying his company and wry sense of humour! We have now found our “groove” during this first week of life together on board and managing our little ship takes fairly little effort. Mark and Tony were treated to a group of dolphins who enjoyed swimming alongside Mayaluga. We have also been visited by a few birds, Manta Ray, squid and flying fish (dead on the deck each morning) and a very big fish that broke our fishing line. Darn, but then I`m not at all sure how we would have landed such a fish on the boat. Mayaluga has been participating in a daily Pacific Puddle Jump radio net and we have been plotting the location of other vessels on our Raymarine. Its interesting to see where everyone is in relation to Mayaluga. For me, its really nice to know that we have several boats within a day or two sail in case of emergency. Its nice to know that we are not way out here completely alone! Having said that, we have not seen another boat since leaving the coastline 8 days ago. Mayaluga signing out for now!
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