Days 3 & 4 – PV to Marqueses
Mayaluga’s crew is settling in nicely to this long cruise. We are now into a good routine and managing to get adequate sleep. As of today (Monday, March 27, we have sailed 497 nm, an average of 124nm/day. This would put us in the Marqueses within about 24 days. We do, however, expect the trade winds to push us along a bit more briskly but might be overtaken by the doldrums when we cross the Equator. Who really knows? Its just fun to have a daily wager and make some predictions! Our engine overheated due to a broken fan belt. It was a new belt but Tony suspects that it was installed too tightly. We are now down to our last one. Fingers crossed that this one holds in long enough to find another spare. Tony and Mark rigged up the genoa pole very nicely. The pole can remain in place even when we need to furl in the genoa. Very clever! This morning, Tony treated us to a crepe and fruit breakfast – very yummy indeed – slathered with good old Canadian #3 maple syrup and whipped cream. We have enjoyed receiving a few messages from friends back home on our InReach and its been fun watching our track, knowing that others can follow us along. Last night during the net, we were able to record the location of 3 of our Puddle Jump buddy boats. Nomad is 150 nm ahead of us, Fandango 90 nm behind and Black Watch is close to crossing the equator. We hope to acquire updates this evening. Today we have cloudy skies, winds from the NW at 10-15 knots and the swell swinging around to our starboard port quarter. Maybe the trades will be upon us soon???
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