Day 2 – PV to Marqueses
The sailing was brisk and consistent on Day 2 with Mayaluga easily making at least 6 knots and more at times, with winds averaging about 15 knots, until mid morning on March 25, when the wind died and we had to start the engine. While Tony and Mark were sleeping, I (Karin)was so excited to be visited by MANY dolphin! They came and came over a 20 minute period, maybe 200 of them in total, in the beautiful afternoon sunshine! What a sight! We encountered a few ships – 2 tankers and very large fishing vessel. Mayaluga participated in the daily Pacific Puddle Jump Net with good reception and transmission. Black Watch, a boat with a young couple who we met originally in San Diego, is closing in on the Equator. Our bottle of bubbly is waiting for our crossing when the three of us graduate from being Polywogs (never having crossed the equator on a boat) to Shellbacks. Our actual ground covered during Day 2 was 135 nm! We lost a couple of hours while Tony and Mark rigged up the pole for the Genoa. It looks like, once we get into the trade winds, we might be able to cover 150 per day. That would put our crossing closer to 21 days rather than 30 as we have predicted. It would provide us an extra week in French Polynesia which would be a very good thing!
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