Water and mast steps……..check!

Our stay at Newcastle Island came to an end on a really high note.  Tony finished the Spectra 150DSCN0135 watermaker installation and we filled our tanks for the first time without a hose!  I don’t think that I have DSCN0140 ever seen Tony so excited!  We can produce 6 gallons/hour through reverse osmosis without starting the engine.  WOW!

Running the Spectra, we crossed Georgia Strait enroute to Desolation Sound. Water tanks were full in short order.  Mayaluga passed Merry Island

DSCN0145 DSCN0150 lighthouse and poked her nose into Half Moon Bay.  Our original plan had us overnighting here but upon closer inspection, the anchorage didn’t look to be particularly secure, so we carried onto Secret Cove.  Given that its July, we expected to find many boats in the anchorage and it was a pleasant surprise to find the cove virtually empty.  A few more boats joined us the second day, some even turning around and leaving due to lack of space.

DSCN0167Tony finished the installation of the mast steps, a job he started 2 years ago before someone stole half of them during our pull out at Canoe Cove.  Final bit will DSCN0169be to attach spectra line to the ends of the steps to stop the halyards from becoming tangled in between the steps.

Tony experimented with the pressure cooker we have on loan from our Hidden Harbour neighbour Steve and made his famous chicken curry.  It turned out quite well except for a bit too much liquid.  Instead of 45 minutes of cooking DSCN0157 DSCN0164time, it took 10.  A huge propane saver!  I guess a pressure cooker is now on my list to purchase when we get back to Victoria!

Onwards to Pender Harbour!


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