Month: December 2014

More green thoughts….

Tony and I continue to discuss and bash about ideas about how to minimize our impact on the environment.  Although we do now, and have for a long time, been conscious of our footprint on the earth, this south sea adventure planning has highlighted for us how small the world really is.  How everything is an […]

Some mature thoughts ………

Our project is split into phase 1 and phase II.  We are only able to move forward with our South Seas Adventure (phase II) provided that health and finances are up to the challenge.  So ……. there I was contemplating this substantive subject while installing a great little new device in the head.  Its a […]

Phase I project list

Shortlist of Phase I projects that have been identified: Rewire Hobbs Meter – insertion of ignition key should not activate elapsed time, only running engine (complete) Replace raw water pump (complete) Re-engineer access to gearbox dipstick and filler (complete) Fix Morse throttle cable control in binnacle (complete) Remove redundant wiring (partially complete) Replace fire extinguishers/relabel (complete) Service all through-hull fittings (complete) […]