Category: Projects
Our stay at Squirrel Cove was delightful and productive. The weather was perfect – hot and sunny – which made for some great swimming. Tony had on his to do list to assemble and install the SSB (Single Side Band) radio antenna. We worked together to complete the assembly in the morning and waited until […]
Tony and Karin purchased Arabella (now renamed Mayaluga) in Seattle July 2013 without any illusions as to her condition. We knew she was definitely a fixer-upper that needed a lot more than simple TLC. We felt that her honest construction and good reviews as an offshore cruiser made it a worthwhile project. Three prior owners […]
Reducing my own personal negative impact on our world is not a new thought for me – its something that I have been thinking about and acting on for many years. What can I do to have an overall net positive effect – give more than I take? What can I do in my own […]
Deep sigh!!! The time has come to take another big step. The first one was when we decided to actually buy our boat, Arabella and commit to refurbish her with an eye to heading offshore. We purchased Arabella in July 2013 and she is well on her way to being ready to take us to […]
As August comes to a close, we are now frantically reassembling all essential stuff so that we can at least get away and be independent of shore for 10 days. The lovely, shiny rebuilt engine is back “in the hole” rewired and replumbed. The diesel purrs like a satisfied kitten! Meticulous shaft alignment has […]
We did flirt with the idea of just keeping the salon cushions as they were. Old and tired, but not desperately in need of replacement. “Old and tired just like me” said I, “but not due for replacement yet!” Once the varnishing started to shine through and we started imaging our new Marmoleum counter-top replacements, […]
Tony and i enjoyed a great presentation yesterday by Ian MacKenzie – a film maker and crowwdfunding expert. We participated because we have an idea for a documentary film during our South seas adventure Our idea isn’t totally fleshed out yet but we are thinking of using Crowdfunding as a way to finance the project. […]
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